Sunday, August 26, 2012

CrossFit: In No Uncertain Terms

"WOD"? "Farmers' Walks"? "Cindy"? "Push Press"?

CrossFit terminology can be confusing to those new to the sport. Quite often, I show up to the box, look at the whiteboard for the the day's workout and have no idea what several of the movements are. So I have decided to periodically include in this blog simple definitions of the movements, workouts and other terminology associated with CrossFit. Hopefully it will inspire you to integrate some of these movements into your own workouts. New movements are a great way to keep your workouts fresh and challenging!

Here are a few basic terms to get us started:

The "workout of the day".

A workout where the time is fixed and you are to do "As Many Rounds As Possible" of the days' movements within the allotted time.

For example: in a 15 min AMRAP of:
- 10 pushups,
- 20 situps,
- 30 jumping jacks,
Doing all of the movements in the order mentioned is ONE round. Keep track as you go, and when time is called, record the number of ROUNDS you were able to complete.

"For Time"
A workout in which the rounds are fixed and your goal is to complete the number of rounds as fast as possible with good form.

For example: if you were to do SIX ROUNDS of:
- 25 pushups,
- 35 situps,
- 50 jumping jacks,
You would look at the clock and record your time after you complete the above list SIX TIMES.

"Farmers' Walk"
To walk a certain distance as fast as possible while carrying a heavy object in each hand. (This movement is modeled after farmers, who are accustomed to walking long distances while carrying buckets of water or bags of feed.) There are several variations to this movement, but the basic uses heavy dumbbells or kettlebells. The objective is to go heavy enough so that you feel the urge to put them down. If you can do the entire distance without feeling a burn, you need heavier weights. This is a cardio and strengthening movement that works trapezius (upper back/neck area), core, forearms and hand-gripping muscles.

Hope you enjoy this new series called "CrossFit 101"! And whether it's new, healthful foods, new workouts or even new workout clothes, this is a lifelong journey, so do what you can to keep it fresh!!

Fresh Foodie

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