Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On Bed Rest...

So, i am noticing a pattern here: Of all my new healthy goals, getting to bed at a (semi)decent hour is the hardest one for me to reach. I have always been a night owl, but knowing that a good night's rest makes a huge difference in my productivity, energy and just overall enjoyment of the next day should be enough incentive for me to slide under those covers well before midnight. For some reason, it's not; I stay up until ridiculous hours doing who knows what, and then hate my nighttime self in the morning.

it started when i was very young. i had two teenage brothers and well after i was sent to bed, i could hear my brothers and my parents laughing and talking downstairs without me. my mom still has one of my kindergarten art projects where i drew a picture of the scene: downstairs- my family eating cookies and laughing at johnny carson; upstairs- a sad faced, pigtailed little old me tucked into bed.

i guess subconsciously i associate going to bed late with freedom and being grown. When i am relaxing, I savor the quiet, the solitude, the impression that i have all the time in the world because nothing needs to be done immediately. I also love the idea that i am getting ahead on certain tasks for the next day, so i often find myself very productive at night: cleaning, organizing, packing lunch, doing my hair or painting my toenails and the like.

It's very simple. I need a lot of rest. i function best on 8-10 hours of sleep. one of my favorite things to do is sleep late, but i rarely have that luxury. so i end up living my life sleep-deprived, frustrated and feeling rotten. I am way too young to feel like this. So i am determined to kick this unhealthy habit. No matter how long it takes, i will train my body to go to bed at a decent hour. For my health, for my beauty, for my overall well-being.

"Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything"----Count Rugen to the evil Prince Humperdink in The Princess Bride


  1. Omg me too!! I tend to do really unhealthy things at nigh like binge eating, and thinking of horrible scary things that stress me out... Lately though because of school i have been getting to bed at a somewhat decent hour, sometimes before 12am, and other times just an hour or two after. i love that you quoted the princess bride... its one of my faves. Well, looks like we both have bad sleeping patterns which is difficult to break and really dangerous when fighting weight loss... all the good that we have done can easily be ruined because of a couple idle hours we spent doing god knows what. Well Joy, i wish you the best of luck and know that i am here for you if you ever need any help or just an ear to listen. Good Luck ^_^

  2. I agree! I am trying to work on the same thing! I too need to sleep about 8-hours to function but I am still trying to get there. I'm thinking that maybe a sleepy time tea might help? or just not watching TV during the week (that helped me before) I will keep trying and will see how it goes. Keep up the good work! ;)

  3. Thanks! not watching TV during the week is a good idea. i got 1, yes, 1 hour of sleep last night because i was on youtube... WTW????
