Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Challenge: #TabataDecember

November was an eventful month.

I ran my first 5K. (This was a HUGE deal for me.  Read about my history with running and how I first set the goal to run a 5K almost 3 years ago!)
Ran my first 5K in 44:04

I went to visit my family and was even able to see some extended family. 

But I also got a nasty cold, skipped a few workouts and started eating junk food on the regular.  I have GOT to get my focus back, so I decided to make the December challenge a daily tabata.  

Tabatas are short and sweet, but they'll definitely get your blood flowing and your muscles working.
(For Info, Links and Tabata suggestions, Check out my latest CrossFit 101 post.) 

All you have to do to join this challenge is one 4-minute Tabata every day in the month of December.

To keep it challenging, keep track of your reps, so that you can compare to the last time you did the same movement. For example, you might be able to bring your kettle bell swing tabata from 50 reps to 75.

Keep It Fresh, of course! Change up the movements throughout the week.  There are so many cardio and strength options!

I hope you join me in the challenge and don't forget to hashtag #TabataDecember when you post pics to instagram or twitter!

Fresh Foodie

@gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter
FreshFoodieFitness on YouTube
Fresh Foodie on Formspring

Friday, November 30, 2012

Crossfit 101: Tabatas

Doing Tabatas with my siblings on vacation.
What's a TABATA? 
- One 4- minute exercise session consisting of:
- Eight 30 second rounds containing:
- 20 seconds of intense work and
- 10 seconds of rest.

It's that simple! But don't get it twisted, "Simple" and "Easy" aren't the same thing. A 4-minute workout may sound easy-peasy to some of you, but if you do these right, they are intense! Make sure you stretch and warmup before starting, then cool down and stretch again afterward.

You get to choose whether you'd like to do cardio or strength training, but every 20 second work period should consist of one movement.  Should you choose to do several movements within one tabata, make sure the transition can be made easily during the 10 second rest period. I prefer to do no more than 2 movements within one 4-minute tabata session, but some like to change movements every round.

Here are a few suggestions to get those creative juices flowing:
Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks
Squat Jumps or Box Jumps
Mountain Climbers
Bear Crawl

Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
Kettle Bell Swings
Hand Release Push Ups
Sit Ups or V Ups
Air Squats
Push Press
Pull Ups

And should you decide to be really brave and do more than one tabata, make sure you rest 3 to 5 minutes before starting another.  The idea is to be able to push yourself to the max for each of those 20 second periods.  You'll appreciate that rest and recovery time in between. 

Make sure you have an easy to use stopwatch style timer or a Tabata timer/app, and in less than five minutes, you can get your body burning fat, your muscles working to fatigue and your heart pumping like you just ran sprints. I mean, you can do anything for twenty seconds at a time, right?

For more info on Tabata Training, click the links below:

Keep It Fresh!
Fresh Foodie

@gozosa1980 on Instagram and Twitter
FreshFoodieFitness on YouTube
Fresh Foodie on Formspring

Thursday, November 15, 2012

CrossFit 101: Wall Balls and Sit Ups

Photo Courtesy of: 
Wall Ball:
A full-body squat movement using a weighted medicine ball and a wall with a target 8 to 10 feet from the ground.

This video from youtube is great because it shows you the right and wrong way to do wall balls and the reasons for each. 

"Karen" is a benchmark* WOD using only the movement above. "Karen" is 150 wall balls for time (as fast as possible with proper form).

*A benchmark WOD is a recognized workout in the worldwide CrossFit Community.  It is one that is done periodically to test and see how one's fitness level has improved.

"Rx" Sit Ups:
"Rx" means that a movement is done according to CrossFit standards for that movement.  The basic, or Rx, sit up for CrossFit does not look like the ones we did in gym class.  Feet are together and knees fall open, with hands reaching straight and low in front of you and a support cushion (or "AbMat") in the curve of your lower back.

Photo Courtesy of:
This video from youtube shows proper form for an Rx sit up and the reasons why this is the preferred CrossFit position.

Wall Ball Sit Ups:
Take your sit ups to the next level with one of my favorite movements: Wall Ball Sit Ups. These sit ups combine the two movements above.  They are done in Rx position but with toes close to or against a wall and a medicine ball over head.  Instead of aiming for a high target on the wall when coming up from a squat, you aim for a lower one while coming up from sit up position.
Photo Courtesy of: 
This video from youtube is pretty good.  It shows 3 different modifications of the movement. What he calls "C" is the "Rx" wall ball sit up as I have learned it.  (Note: according to my trainer, wall ball sit ups should also be done with an AbMat and soles of the feet together.  However, in this video and the photo above, they are done "gym-class" style.) 

In order to do these movements at home, all you need is a weighted medicine ball (I usually use a 6lb ball.  That's the lightest one at my box.  I think they carry up to 20lb balls!) and a rolled up towel or something to support your back.

Please watch the videos for proper form and start with lighter weight to prevent injury.

Whether you're changing up your workout or spicing up your recipes, Keep It Fresh!!

Fresh Foodie

gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter
FreshFoodieFitness on youtube
Fresh Foodie on Forsmspring

Fresh Foodie's Kitchen: Apple Cinnamon French Toast

The bad news is: the cold I have been fighting for the past few days has finally gotten the best of me. The good news is: today is my day off. So I was able to sleep in and make myself comfort food for brunch. I woke up craving french toast and decided to make it with baked apple topping. I was able to make a clean version in less than 15 minutes.

Here's how I did it (I don't measure, so just go with your gut.):
I like to make the topping first so it can cook while I prepare the french toast.

Apple Cinnamon Topping:
-Granny Smith Apple, chopped into cubes, 2 small (or one large)
-Coconut Oil
-Raw Coconut Nectar (Agave or other clean syrups may be substituted)
-Cinnamon (and loads of it)

Place chopped apple in the bottom of a microwave safe bowl with a lid. (I use a glass bowl and lid.)  Completely coat with cinnamon. (Be very generous.  You almost don't wanna know there are apples underneath.  Drizzle generously with coconut nectar. And add a small dollop of Coconut Oil.  Cover and microwave for about 5 min or until apples are desired softness. Stir before serving.

Cinnamon French Toast:
-Sprouted Bread of your choice, 2 slices (I used Trader Joes' Multigrain)
-Coconut Oil
-2 Whole eggs
-Almond Milk
-Cinnamon, to taste

Heat coconut oil in a skillet.  Beat the eggs, Almond milk and Cinnamon until smooth. (I do it on a plate so its easier to dip the bread in later, but you can do it in a bowl and pour the mixture onto a plate if you prefer.)
Coat both sides of the bread with the egg mixture and place into the skillet.  Cook on both sides to assure that it is cooked through. Both sides should be golden brown and toasted. Place on a serving plate and top with the apple cinnamon mixture.

I like to enjoy mine with a hot beverage.  I'm not much of a coffee person, but I love hot chocolate and tea.  Today, I made a tea latte when the apple topping was done.

Cinnamon Earl Grey Latte:
-2 Earl Grey Tea Bags
-Almond Milk

Fill a large mug halfway with water and the rest with almond milk.  (I like to use sweetened almond milk so that I don't have to add sugar later, but you can sweeten according to your preference.) Heat in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes.  Add tea bags and cinnamon. Allow to steep for 2-3 minutes and stir. Enjoy!

Cleaning up your favorite comfort food recipes is a great way to keep yourself on track during the colder months.

Keep It Fresh!
Fresh Foodie

Gozosa1980 on Instagram and Twitter
FreshFoodieFitness on YouTube
Fresh Foodie on Formspring

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Food Focus: So Fresh and So Clean Clean...

October is off and running and I've already posted the details of my #Fall500 Fitness Challenge.  But if we've heard it once, we've heard it a thousand times: "You can't out-train a bad diet."  We hear it so much because it's true.

Look how excited I was this summer when I first read about the Eat-Clean Diet.  But last month I got off track with way too many cheat meals and not enough clean eats and my weight-loss and measurements hit a plateau. So during the month of October, my food challenge will highlight different aspects of eating clean to help me regain my focus.
Click here for Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet Nutrition Rules

Week One (October 1-7): #LeanNCleanProtein
Focus on eating 6 servings of lean proteins each day.  As a vegetarian, it is relatively easy to get in clean proteins, since my protein sources are not animal products, but meat-eater or vegetarian, everyone can focus on making leaner, cleaner protein choices. 

Here's Tosca's list of Eat-Clean Diet approved protein sources:

Week Two (October 8-15): #CleanNGreenSmoothie
I have really been wanting to start making smoothies again.  (I haven't even unpacked my blender from when I moved a year ago!)  But green smoothies are so convenient, filling and packed with nutrients, I decided to replace one meal a day with a green smoothie starting next week. 

But I need your help, since I have never made "green" smoothies (mine were more like strawberry-coconut milkshakes with a little spinach thrown in; very creamy and very pink.)  Email me your favorite simple green smoothie recipes ( or tag me (@gozosa1980) when you see a good one in an instagram post!

Week Three (October 16-24): #CleanCarbs
During the entire month of October, Tosca Reno and the Eat-Clean Diet Team are focusing on Clean Carbs with the #cleancarbs photo contest on instagram.  I will only choose clean carbs during week three.

Week Four (October 25-31): #NoCheatWeek
During the other weeks of this challenge, I will allow myself two small cheats (or one entire cheat meal) per week.  But #NoCheatWeek is entirely clean. Not even one complimentary butter mint, one pita chip or one sip of  a trenta green tea lemonade/no ice/one pump classic shall pass my lips.

If you decide to join me in any of these eat clean food focus challenges this month, don't forget to use the hashtags and/or tag me in your posts to instagram and twitter. Encouraging one another and sharing ideas is such a great way to keep it fresh!

Fresh Foodie
freshfoodiefitness on youtube
gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter
- Eat Clean Meals
- Eat Clean Grocery Hauls
- Eat Clean Vegetarian Recipes
- Crossfit WODs
- Crossfit 101: Terminology for Newbies
- Monthly Challenges (current challenge: #FALL500)
... and more!

Monday, October 1, 2012

#PlankADaySeptember Results and the #FALL500 October Challenge

I'm a huge fan of the arthlete on tumblr. Her plank artwork shown above perfectly shows the spirit of #plankAdaySeptember!  I was so happy to see so many people join the challenge!  (I have to admit, this is the first time I had a challenge that anybody joined, so, needless to say, I was through the moon! Thanks so much for your support and encouragement!) Some days were better than others, but how inspiring to see some people add 3 and 4 minutes to their start times! Amazing! Whether you added 30 seconds or 3 minutes to your beginning plank time, everyone pushed themselves and encouraged one another, determined to compete only with the person they were the day before. Great job!
Yes, that's me planking in a skirt at work!
I opted to alternate between bent arm and straight arm plank.  Here are my results:

Plank Style// Start Time //Best Time (Date)//Improvement
Bent Arm// 0min 43sec//1min 43sec (9/26) //1 min

Straight Arm// 1min 14sec//  2min 31sec (9/27)//1min 16sec

I more than doubled my max hold time on both planks! I am very pleased! 

How did you all do?  Post your results below! 
(or below the instagram post that shouts out this "results" blog entry.) 

#FALL500 October Challenge
Fall is my favorite season of the year! Sweaters and boots, changing leaves and a warm mug of something yummy in my hands remind me of the only time I liked to be outdoors as a child: when the long, hot, humid, Houston Summers were finally over and the air was crisp and cool. 

But, for me, this time of year also brings loads of yummy comfort foods and rich, warm beverages; a slow slide into a sluggish winter hibernation and seasonal depression.  I really wanted to do a challenge that would keep me focused and burning calories all month long, even on my "rest" days.

October's challenge is the #FALL500.  There are only 2 main rules:
  • Complete ONE workout from "THE 500s" list EACH DAY. (The option is there to choose which part of the body to work on, since the CrossFit WOD changes daily and I never know which part of me is going to be crazy sore and need a rest!)
  • The 500 must be completed all in one day, but it CAN be divided up and/or included in your WOD.

THE 500s
CARDIO: Can be done throughout the day or For Time
- 500 jumping jacks; OR
- 500 single rope jumps

LEGS: Can be done throughout the day or For Time
- 500 air squats; OR
- 500 alternating lunges (250 per leg)

CORE: For number of breaks (the lower the better)
- 500 second plank (8 minutes, 20 seconds) with as few breaks as possible
(Pause timer during breaks; total plank time must be at least 8min, 20sec.)

ARMS: For Reps (must be done all at once)
500 second AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible in 8 minutes, 20 seconds) of:
- pull ups

(DISCLAIMER: These are MY 500s.  I chose 500s that are challenging to ME, or that I can fit into my lifestyle. If you choose to join me, and these are too easy for you, pick something that will challenge YOU! I can't wait to see what you come up with!)

I would love it if you'd join me! Don't forget to hashtag #FALL500 if you post pictures to instagram or twitter!  Whether you decide to join my challenge, join someone else's or make up your own, do what it takes to keep your workouts fresh!

Fresh Foodie

freshfoodiefitness on youtube
gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter

- Eat Clean Meals
- Eat Clean Grocery Hauls
- Eat Clean, Vegetarian Recipes
- Crossfit WODs
- Crossfit 101: Terminology for Newbies
- Monthly Challenges (current challenge: #FALL500)
... and more!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food for thought: HEALTH... and fitness

The most popular benefit of a clean diet and vigorous exercise is a leaner, meaner physique.  Everyone loves a "before and after" shot of a former fatty standing next to a new, stronger, slimmer version of themselves wearing fabulous clothes and having the time of their lives. But what seems to get lost in the shuffle are all of the health benefits that you can't see in pictures or fit into a little black dress.  These benefits come a lot sooner, and for many of us, are what keep us going strong when numbers on the scale won't budge or we still can't button those smaller jeans.

I've been suffering from many health problems since my mid-twenties that improved drastically within weeks of eating clean and training mean. For me, these benefits far outweigh (cheesy pun intended) the idea of a goal dress any day.

Here are a some of physical ailments that I suffered from on a regular basis that have improved considerably since I started my new lifestyle less than three months ago:

Chronic Insomnia
Rapid heartbeat
Occasional Migraines

Can you imagine my surprise and relief when I noticed a SIGNIFICANT improvement in all of these within weeks?  Sure, I lost a few inches and a few pounds, but nothing drastic or even too noticeable.  But my quality of life HAS seen a drastic, noticeable change.  Because I treat my body better, I feel better.  And because I feel better, I do a little more, and I do it better than before.

So, even though I love to see the changes in my physique as much as the next person, having a new body pales in comparison to being the new, healthier me I'm starting to be.

What changes have YOU noticed in your health that aren't related to fitness and physique since starting a healthier way of life? How do these changes effect you on YOUR journey to better health?

Just a little food for thought...

Fresh Foodie

freshfoodiefitness on youtube
gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter

- Eat Clean Meals
- Eat Clean Grocery Hauls
- Eat Clean, Vegetarian Recipes
- Crossfit WODs
- Crossfit 101: Terminology for Newbies
- Monthly Challenges (current challenge: #plankadayseptember)
... and more!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fresh Foodie's Kitchen: Kale and Goat Cheese Omelette

I am a Clean-Eating Vegetarian and I eat every 3 to 4 hours.  So I really make an effort to buy things that I can mix and match, grab and go.  But even when I do have time to prepare a meal in the kitchen, I want something that's fast and easy.  An omelette is a great source of protein, and it is so versatile and easy to make, I thought I'd share with you guys one of my favorite omelette recipes.

When it comes to eggs, I only eat the whites, so this is a egg white omelette, but you are welcome to make yours using the whole egg.

- Oil of choice (I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
- Kale (Rainbow Kale is shown in the pictures, but I have used "regular" kale and it's delicious, too!)
- Egg whites (I use 3 whites, but you can adjust if you prefer to use whole eggs)
- Seasonings of choice ( I used Adobo and Pepper)

Step One:
Remove stems from kale and break into small pieces.
Saute in oil on medium heat.
Season with salt or adobo.

Step Two:
When Kale has reduced and turned a rich green, add egg whites in a circular motion to evenly cover the kale.

Step Three:
Add goat cheese and pepper.
Flip when egg is cooked to your tastes.  I like mine "Overhard".

Step Four:
Serve and enjoy!

Prep time:
approx. 7 min

Serves: 1

This is my favorite omelette.  What's yours? Leave me a comment below and tell me what ingredients you like to use to make your omelette your "signature" omelette!

Fresh Foodie

Freshfoodiefitness on YouTube
gozosa1980 on Twitter and Instagram

- Eat-Clean Grocery Hauls
- Eat-Clean Meals and snacks
- Crossfit WODs
- Monthly Challenges
- Progress Pictures
- Cheat Meals 
and more!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

August Challenge Results and #PlankADaySeptember

August was a crazy month for me.  I caught the worst summer chest cold I've had and it had the nerve to last over 2 weeks!  In the words of Sweet Brown: "Bronchitis. Ain't nobody got time fo'dat!"  In addition to being sick for half the month, I had way more cheat meals than I should have, I went on a weekend roadtrip to New York City and struggled with consistency and intensity in my workouts ALL MONTH LONG... But I did it.  I actually managed to eat clean (mostly), watch my portion sizes, get all my workouts in and see some results for my efforts.

My WODs.  I met my goal of 16 WODs for August.
Photos and Measurements
I did not weigh or measure for the entire month of August.  I like to focus on things I can control, like diet, exercise, rest, water intake, etc.  Your body composition changes so much; muscle, fat, and water percentages can make the scale do crazy things, so I try not to stress out too much about the scale.  But periodic weigh-ins, measurements and photos can help you see the progress that you don't notice day-to-day.  This month was a perfect example of that.  I thought for sure I had maintained this month and wouldn't see much of a difference. But I'm happy to say that the scale, the measuring tape and these photos have proved me wrong!
The change is subtle, but I see a difference!

Results from my September 1 weigh and measure:
(Since the end of the July Challenge)

Pounds lost: 5.6
Inches lost in each thigh: 0.5
Inches lost in hips: 1
Inches lost in bust: 1.5
Waist and Arm Measurements remained the same.

Totals so far:
(Since I started eating clean and doing CrossFit at the end of June)

Pounds lost: 10.2
Inches lost in right thigh: 1.5
Inches lost in left thigh: 2
Inches lost in hips: 1
Inches lost in bust: 1.5
Inches lost in waist: 1
Arm measurements remained the same.

3 Rep Push Press PR
I even ended the month on a great note! I had a new PR (personal record) for a 3-rep Push Press Max weight: 100 pounds!! (CLICK HERE FOR A 3-REP PUSH PRESS DEMONSTRATION)
My 100lb Push Press PR!

September Challenge: #PlankADaySeptember
This month I am adding a daily challenge to my basic clean eating and CrossFitting goals.  I have decided to try and improve my core strength by doing the "Plank-A-Day" Challenge.  I will be alternating between two types of planks: Straight-arm and Bent-arm.  I find the straight arm plank to be easier for me to hold.  The photos below show my starting points for each.  Check back in for my September results post to see how I have improved!  Everyone is invited to join in at any point and do any type of plank.  I will not be posting plank pictures every day to twitter and instagram, but when I do, I will hashtag them #PlankADaySeptember.  Do the same, so we can encourage and remind each other!
Bent-Arm Plank
Straight-Arm Plank
The fall weather is coming soon!  Great time to take your workout outdoors before the winter cold and early dark sets in. Try new foods, join a challenge, work toward a goal- do whatever it takes to keep it fresh!
Fresh Foodie

freshfoodiefitness on youtube
gozosa1980 on twitter and instagram

Sunday, August 26, 2012

CrossFit: In No Uncertain Terms

"WOD"? "Farmers' Walks"? "Cindy"? "Push Press"?

CrossFit terminology can be confusing to those new to the sport. Quite often, I show up to the box, look at the whiteboard for the the day's workout and have no idea what several of the movements are. So I have decided to periodically include in this blog simple definitions of the movements, workouts and other terminology associated with CrossFit. Hopefully it will inspire you to integrate some of these movements into your own workouts. New movements are a great way to keep your workouts fresh and challenging!

Here are a few basic terms to get us started:

The "workout of the day".

A workout where the time is fixed and you are to do "As Many Rounds As Possible" of the days' movements within the allotted time.

For example: in a 15 min AMRAP of:
- 10 pushups,
- 20 situps,
- 30 jumping jacks,
Doing all of the movements in the order mentioned is ONE round. Keep track as you go, and when time is called, record the number of ROUNDS you were able to complete.

"For Time"
A workout in which the rounds are fixed and your goal is to complete the number of rounds as fast as possible with good form.

For example: if you were to do SIX ROUNDS of:
- 25 pushups,
- 35 situps,
- 50 jumping jacks,
You would look at the clock and record your time after you complete the above list SIX TIMES.

"Farmers' Walk"
To walk a certain distance as fast as possible while carrying a heavy object in each hand. (This movement is modeled after farmers, who are accustomed to walking long distances while carrying buckets of water or bags of feed.) There are several variations to this movement, but the basic uses heavy dumbbells or kettlebells. The objective is to go heavy enough so that you feel the urge to put them down. If you can do the entire distance without feeling a burn, you need heavier weights. This is a cardio and strengthening movement that works trapezius (upper back/neck area), core, forearms and hand-gripping muscles.

Hope you enjoy this new series called "CrossFit 101"! And whether it's new, healthful foods, new workouts or even new workout clothes, this is a lifelong journey, so do what you can to keep it fresh!!

Fresh Foodie

Thursday, August 16, 2012

CrossFit NYC: The Black Box

Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt. Literally.

I went to "The Big Apple" for a convention this past weekend and my friends invited me to join them on their visit to the CrossFit gym in Manhattan called "The Black Box".

We were driving in from ten hours away and trying to make it to the last class of the day, so time was of the essence. $12 in tolls and a few traffic jams later, I found the address, took the elevator up to the right floor and clumsily stumbled into the box with 5 min to spare.

There were several classes going on at once and I could see my friends warming up and stretching in the back as they waited for our class to start.

I borrowed cash to pay the $25 "drop-in fee". (I was informed that taking a credit card was possible, but a hassle.) I thought the price was very steep for one work out, but I was promised a CrossFit NYC T-shirt and a chance to "WOD" with my friends from Chicago in New York City, so I was in.

The Black Box has classes divided by experience level. We decided to take a beginners class. The WOD for the day was 3-3-3 push press at 75% of max and a game of tug of war. Seemed easy enough. Actually, it was too easy. We barely broke a sweat, but it was fun nonetheless.

I couldn't believe how much of a workout tug of war is! My friend and I were the only girls in class, so the coach chose us as team captains. We chose our team members gym class style and got in position. Our teams were pretty even. We had a good long battle going on for a while there before my team was declared winner of the first round. We dropped players one by one and switched up the teams a couple times. Rope burns were had. Egos were bruised. But it was so much fun!

I would definitely recommend that CrossFitters drop into another box when on vacation. Call ahead for info and request that a free shirt promoting that box be included with the drop-in WOD fee. How cool is it to have a collection that reflects your travels! Check the schedule online and confirm the correct location. Most of all, have fun!

WODing on the road? What a great way to keep it fresh!!

Fresh Foodie

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Eating Clean and Training Mean

Guess who's back? Back again... Great, now I'm gonna have that song in my head....

Hello to my Fellow Fresh Foodies!!

It's been over a year since I even logged into my Fresh Foodie channel on you tube or this blog.  I had to think long and hard just to remember the passwords.  But here I am, once again, ready to start over. 
This has been a crazy year.  I moved 3 times, lived and studied abroad for a few months, all the time struggling with health issues.  At the beginning of this summer, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I'm 31, way too young to feel this rotten almost all of the time. 

Some friends of mine have been raving about their CrossFit workouts and how much fun they had.  I noticed that instagram has a thriving weight loss community and many of them were raving about CrossFit as well.  I looked it up and found out there was a gym (or as CrossFitters call them: a BOX) near me.  I was told I could have two free trial visits and see if I liked it.  I was hooked. I did the trial visits the last week of June,  signed up at the beginning of July and have never stopped going.  CrossFit is a PERFECT way to keep your workouts fresh.  You never do the same workout twice unless its a "Benchmark" or "Hero" WOD that you are revisiting to see how your fitness has improved since the last time you tried it.  My membership is for two days a week and I supplement it with two Crossfit home workouts per week as well.
After a WOD in my local BOX

Doing research and getting excited!
But, as we all know, what we take in is the most important part of trying to lose fat for good.  The recommended eating plan for Crossfitters is the paleolithic diet, (also known as "caveman" or paleo).  But as a vegetarian, this eating plan was far too meat-centric for my lifestyle.  So, I once again turned to the instagram weight loss community to see what they were eating.  And that is where I found out about "Eating Clean".  I went to the library, borrowed "The Eat-Clean Diet" and read it from cover to cover.  It's an easy read with lots of helpful suggestions and explanations. I eat 4 to 5 small, "clean" meals per day.  I try to make sure there are no more than 3 or 4 hours between each meal. And I stop eating 3 hours before bed.
Yes, I took the book with me to the grocery store,
It has a great pantry list inside.
Grocery Haul after my first Eat Clean grocery shop

I do everything on my iPhone these days, and tracking my eating and weight loss is definitely one of those things.  I have found four apps to be especially helpful (and fun) to use.  Here are my four faves of the summer so far:

#4: TimerCam
This is a self-timer camera app.  It can be set to 5, 10, 15 or 30 seconds and can use the front or back camera on the iPhone.  This is the app I use to take my body shot progress pictures (and outfits of the day for my lifestyle channel.)
TimerCam Icon

OOTD Shot for other channel

#3: PicFrame
This is the app that helps make collages with the option to add labels, filters and backrounds.  Its a fast and easy way to tell a story of several pictures with just one upload.  I can show ingredients along with the finished meal, WOD (workout of the day) along with my #sweatyface or before and after shots. The possibilities are endless!
Example of one day of Eat Clean Meals
After a WOD at the Box,
WOD and #sweatyface

#2: WorkoutHero
What the app icon and
welcome screen looks like.
These are collages made using the
WorkoutHero app along with PicFrame.
Here is what the screen looks like
 after you enter a WOD into the system.
Most crossfitters have a notebook at the gym where they keep track of their workouts along with details like finishing times, weights and reps. This is the app that helps me keep track of my workouts.

#1: Instagram!!
Of course!  This app helps share my pictures with the online weight loss community.  There, other members with similar interests can share encouragement and suggestions.  You can add filters and link to your Twitter and Facebook accounts for ease of sharing with your other social networks. I post pictures of meals, workouts, grocery hauls and more.  I post several pictures every day, so this is the fastest and easiest way to stay up to date in between blog posts and YouTube videos, which I don't do very often.
My profile page. Follow me and see my daily updates!


The first month on my new plan, my challenge was to turn "the basics" into a habit.  I Eat Clean 4-5 times per day and do a CrossFit WOD 2 times per week at the BOX and 2 times per week on my own. 
Here are my results:
Find this picture on my instagram and
it has all of the stats in the caption!
Exceeded my WOD goal!

AUGUST 2012: THE BASICS + ....Portion Sizes
The current 31 day challenge is for the month of August! The goals are the same as the BASICS challenge, but with a special emphasis on PORTION SIZES!

Whether you join me, someone else's challenge or make a challenge of your own, let's continue to challenge ourselves and, as always, keep it fresh!

Fresh Foodie