I've been suffering from many health problems since my mid-twenties that improved drastically within weeks of eating clean and training mean. For me, these benefits far outweigh (cheesy pun intended) the idea of a goal dress any day.
Here are a some of physical ailments that I suffered from on a regular basis that have improved considerably since I started my new lifestyle less than three months ago:
Chronic Insomnia
Rapid heartbeat
Occasional Migraines
Can you imagine my surprise and relief when I noticed a SIGNIFICANT improvement in all of these within weeks? Sure, I lost a few inches and a few pounds, but nothing drastic or even too noticeable. But my quality of life HAS seen a drastic, noticeable change. Because I treat my body better, I feel better. And because I feel better, I do a little more, and I do it better than before.
So, even though I love to see the changes in my physique as much as the next person, having a new body pales in comparison to being the new, healthier me I'm starting to be.
What changes have YOU noticed in your health that aren't related to fitness and physique since starting a healthier way of life? How do these changes effect you on YOUR journey to better health?
Just a little food for thought...
Fresh Foodie
freshfoodiefitness on youtube
gozosa1980 on instagram and twitter
- Eat Clean Meals
- Eat Clean Grocery Hauls
- Eat Clean, Vegetarian Recipes
- Crossfit WODs
- Crossfit 101: Terminology for Newbies
- Monthly Challenges (current challenge: #plankadayseptember)
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